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Can’t find Linksys Extender Setup


If you have trouble logging in to the Linksys Extender, follow these steps:

1. Verify that the Wi-Fi extender is linked to your PC.

Try to make sure you are connected to the WiFi of your range extender. Press the Wireless Utility on your device to scan and see the SSID of the network to which your computer is connected. If you aren't currently connected to your extender's SSID, choose it from the list of available networks, type the network password, and click Connect or Join. Access to the Linksys New Extender Setup is still unavailable.

Access the range extender's web-based configuration page if you are connected.

2. Verify the setup's light indicator.

The light indicator now serves as a status indicator for the extension. Examine the product's user manual to ensure that the range extender is attached to the network.

3. Linksys Extender Setup Powercycle

Connect the power supply extension back up after disconnecting it. Wait for the extender range's power lead to be ready (check the manual on the user readiness to use the extender range). If you're having trouble accessing Linksys Extender, continue reading for further directions.

4. Verify the connectivity of the unit interface.

The communication between the device and the extension can be checked with a ping test. You need to obtain your IP address in order to choose the extender's range. The default IP address is 192.168.1. if the Range Extender is not yet set up. Otherwise, your router's DHCP client table will choose the Extender's IP address. still unable to access Linksys Extender?

NOTE: Before accessing the range expanders' web-based setup, try uninstalling any security features on your PC if the previous instructions don't work. For more information about removing your computer's firewall, go to

5. Perform a factory default reset.

Important: You must either manually configure the extension in factory mode or restart the Setup CD.

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